
We’re committed to improving the patient experience

Outpatient centers like the LVI Outpatient Center have grown in popularity over the last few decades to become a safe and viable alternative for patients and the doctors who care for them. The LVI Outpatient Center was created for that purpose.

Not all surgeries can be performed at our center. However, for a growing list of outpatient and short-stay procedures that do not require the full hospital infrastructure of equipment and doctors, our center offers many advantages, including:

Superior customer service. The physicians and staff at Surgical Center of Central Florida know that you have a choice of where to have your procedure performed, and we have made it our mission to earn your trust and confidence, as well as deliver more personal and friendly care. We also offer greater flexibility in scheduling, greater privacy during recovery, easier access and close, free parking.

Reduced risk of infection. Hospitals play an important role; they care for a multitude of patients of all ages and with many different kinds of diseases. And while hospitals have done much over the years to reduce the risk of infection, the sheer number of patients, doctors and healthcare workers who come in and out of hospitals can mean greater exposure to bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. On average, ASC’s have about half the infection rate of hospitals.

Lower cost/ out-of-pocket expenses. If your surgery is elective and you are responsible for 100% of the cost, our center can help to make the price of your surgery more affordable. If you are undergoing a procedure that is covered by insurance, and you have an insurance plan with a high deductible or co-pay, you’ll likely pay less for the same surgery here.

We also offer a dedicated insurance expert who will work with you to answer any questions, assist with filling out forms and helping to ensure that your procedure is covered by your insurance plan.

Schedule your consultation with LVI Outpatient Center today »

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